New User Interface (UI)
~ Effective date - Monday July 17th 2023 ~
TRIFT announces upcoming software updates to the User Interface (UI) for our clients and their employees. LearnUpon is releasing the next generation of the learning management tool. The user interface will reflect greater ease of access, and use of the learning management tool as well as new learning options available to all learners.
This posting summarizes the planned changes, the impact to users, and addresses questions clients may have. Information presented is accurate at the time this document was prepared – note that information and timeline are subject to change.
Note: TRIFT will email the following document to all clients separately via email. This posting is intended to be an overview of the upcoming changes.
Action Item: Please share this with senior leadership, store managers, and those managers responsible for ensuring training is occurring across each team.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why is the User Interface (UI) changing?
A: LearnUpon has released the latest version of the learning management system that incorporates greater flexibility, ease of use, and user interactivity to enhance the learner’s experience.
Q: Will my business be impacted?
A: Clients will not be impacted by these changes. Client settings and all user transcripts will remain intact. The impact will be with greater ease and use by the employees taking training in the learning portal.
Q: What is changing?
A: The Users Interface (UI). These are the LMS pages that users have become accustomed to seeing each time they log-in and take training. The enhancements make the LMS experience easier to use, more pleasing, with greater functionality.
Q: Why is the “Admin View” different from the “User View”?
A: Administrators and Managers have access to two different views. One is based on their role (the administrator) and the other is their learner view. This is to create a visual separation for when someone is in Admin mode verses the Learning mode.
You’re able to tell which mode you are in by simply looking at where the menu bar (navigation bar) is located. If the menu bar is along the left side, you are in the Administrator view. If the menu bar (navigation bar) is along the top of the page, it is the learner (or employee) view.
Q: When do the changes go into effect?
A: The new User Interface (UI) will be released on Monday, July 17th, 2023 (dates subject to change).
Document Overview
Screenshot #1: New Homepage / Landing page for employees (user mode)
Navigation Bar: Moved to the top of the page, the navigation bar offers greater visibility and ease of access for the learner.
Home Tab: The home tab takes the learner back to their dashboard.
Banner Ads: Rotating banner ads drives awareness of course announcements, and all assignments.
Calendar: Learners will be able to view their scheduled course dates, and due dates right on the dashboard.
Dashboard: Enhanced dashboard lets the learner see the status of all courses assigned – from “in progress” to “enrollments”.
Search Bar: Here learners can search the TRIFT catalog to access available courses.

Screenshot #2: My Learning page – main dashboard (user / employee mode)
My Learning Tab: See the learners’ courses and learning paths with progress bars displayed.
Catalog Tab: Access the TRIFT catalog to search and view all available courses.
Courses: View assigned courses with status.
Resources Tab: Click to access available resource tools, documents, or videos.
Learning Paths: View assigned learning collections with status.
Support Tickets Icon: Here you can submit a support ticket or have a password re-set.
User Profiles Icon: Learners can add their photo and other personal information.

Screenshot #3: Course Catalog (user / employee mode)
Catalog Tab: Access the TRIFT catalog to search and view all available courses.
Banner Ads: Rotating banner ads drives awareness of course announcements, and course / learning collection assignments.
Search Options: Use these to filter the library, category, and type of course desired.
Sort Options: Sort courses across a variety of ways.

Have a question or need further assistance? Contact TRIFT using any of the following methods:
• By email: • Within the LMS: Submit a support ticket - click the icon in the upper right of the navigation bar. • Via Telephone: Contact TRIFT at +1 (631) 312-2618