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we're learning too....

Socrates Sakell

Training is essential for every organization but, just like business can change year over year, your e-learning provider should also change to meet your needs. TRIFT does just that... here's what's new.

Periodically, TRIFT receives feedback with recommendations on how we can improve upon the courses and the learner's experience.We took these recommendations and made the following enhancements to our library.

1. Improved Knowledge Checks

Every course TRIFT offers includes knowledge checks so that companies have a method of not only checking that training was done, but being confident that the training was learned (or consumed as we say in the e-learning industry). In the past, users only received their pass or fail score, but while this gives a score, it doesn't help the employee better understand the content. Now, when a question is answered correctly, we reinforce the correct information to the learner. If the question is answered incorrectly, we share with the learner what the correct answer would be, and why. Offering immediate feedback allows learners to know where they excel, as well as where they may need additional training.

2. Better Navigation

We also took a step back and examined the entire course development and learner experience, to see where else we could offer improvements. We've simplified the navigation of courses, by providing the option to have a list of the learning objectives on the side menu. Learners can now quickly see what they need to do and how to access each section.

3. More Fun

Learning does not have to be boring and, in fact, the more a course is enjoyed, the better the knowledge retention. Our new courses have animated videos, documentary-style content and we use doodles and comics to get our point across. With each new style of multi-media content, we're able to stay ahead of the learner's every changing needs and retain their attention from course to course.

We have more changes that will be phased into new courses over the next few months, like word search games, hangman, matching scenarios, and decision-based situations. We'll let you know when you can have a sneak peek at the new courses and changes we are making... you're going to love it.

The Future....

As we implement new features and new ways to elevate the learner's experience, not only do your employees receive more from TRIFT, but your investment into training your employees continues to offer a great ROI. Better trained employees are more engaged with their work, and the company they work for, which means that are equipped and empowered with the information needed to offer exceptional customer service to make a drastic impact on the average transaction size in their store.


Already a customer of TRIFT? Log in to see our new courses and improved content in action. New to TRIFT? Welcome! We'd love to show you more. Contact TRIFT to obtain access to our course library and EXPERIENCE TRIFT for yourself.

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